Thought no.311- Quote

“1. People will promise to never leave you. They will. It’s okay to be sad when they do.

2. It is always okay to cry. Always. Find a bathroom, bury your face in your pillow, and let it out. Cry in the shower. Cry in the car. Cry when you need to.

3. Boys will flirt with you for a while and then ignore you. Then, they will flirt with you some more. It will be confusing. You have every right to stop putting up with it.

4. Pay attention to what people say when they’re angry. When you make up and they tell you they didn’t mean any of it, know that they did. Also know that they wish they didn’t. Forgive them.

5. Never pretend to be someone you’re not. If you don’t like tea and classic novels, don’t act like you do to impress people. If you don’t want to wear leather jackets and combat boots, don’t wear them to please someone else.

6. People will be mean to you; they will spread lies, call you names, and talk about you behind your back. Eventually you will realize that it is petty and stupid and not worth your time. You’ll be right. Move on with your life.

7. Your friends will not always be there for you. When you really need to talk, they will sometimes not want to hear it. That’s okay. Take a deep breath and remember all the times you felt the same way. Exhale.

8. You will wait and wait and wait for your first kiss and your first date and your first relationship. The anticipation will kill you. You will keep trying to find the right person in everyone you meet. Relax. There’s no rush. The best things happen unplanned.

9. Enjoy being young. Love that everything is spontaneous. As you get older, things become more and more scheduled out. Embrace the fact that you aren’t there yet.

10. Tell people how you feel. It will be terrifying in some cases and gratifying in others. It will create relationships and ruin them. But speak your mind, even if your voice shakes, because your thoughts may never otherwise be heard.

11. Sleep. If you go to bed late, sleep in. If you’re still tired when you wake up, go back to bed. If you can’t stay awake during the day, take a nap. Sleeping is a foolproof way of getting rid of your problems for a little while. Utilize it.

12. Talk to people. Talk to your sister about the guy she likes. Talk to your mom about her childhood. Talk to your dad about his favorite books. Talk to your grandparents about their families. Talk to your friends, talk to your pets, talk to the cute waitress at the restaurant. Learn things from them. Be inspired.

13. Always bring a sweater. Even if you think it won’t be cold.

14. Try new things. Eat a new food, try a new kind of juice, switch up the way you dress. You never know what you might end up loving. Life can get boring. Mix it up a bit.

15. Take care of yourself. Wash your hair with that good smelling soap you love. Eat fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of water. Go for long walks in pretty parks.

16. School is important. Try your hardest. If you don’t get something, ask for help. Do your homework. Show your teachers that you’re willing to work hard, and when it comes time to apply to colleges, you’ll be glad you did.

17. There will always be someone prettier, smarter, funnier, or more popular than you. The beauty of it is that it isn’t a competition.

17 things I learned by 17 (via fearlessknightsandfairytales)

Thought no.281 – Laughter

People say “laughter is the best medicine” and how right they are, because laughter makes you smile it fills you with joy and even just for a couple seconds that is all you feel and that is just pure magic. Over the past few day I have found myself laughing a lot, not just small laughs but the full blown sort of laughs where I tear up slightly, my sides hurt and I can’t breathe. And it’s great because in those moments nothing matters, all this stress, all these worries, nothing else matters because laughter just takes over your whole body and mind. No external thoughts can get in, all that matters in that moment is that you laugh and you feel every second of it. So I implore you to laugh as much as you can, because it is that one shining moment that does truly make everything better.

Thought no. 198 – Advice

“I give myself very good advice, but I seldom follow it”Alice in Wonderland

This is something that I believe completely and utterly applies to me. I am constantly giving myself advice, imparting pearls of wisdom upon myself and it is often very good, very eloquent and practical advice. I just don’t follow it, saying something is one thing doing it is the other. If I wasn’t worried about what others thought, or being out of my comfort zone, or if I was confident/comfortable enough in my own skin then I presume I would be following my own advice. The thing is it isn’t easy, it isn’t easy to step out of your comfort zone or stop feeling or thinking the way you do. Having someone say “Just do it” or “There’s no need to be afraid” or “Stop thinking that way” doesn’t somehow magically make everything all better because it’s not that simple. If only it was. But it isn’t. So I guess I can only continue to spew forth very good advice if only to ignore it, yet, perhaps, one day I shall end up following it. I can only hope that I do.


Thought no.102 – Stay strong and survive


  1. Take your pain, sorrow and sins and wash them away in the shower. Just let that water run over your skin and let it cleanse away the horrible days, hours and minutes. If you need to let your tears combine with the spray from the shower. Just wash it all away and leave feeling fresher and with a clearer mind. Let the water heal you.
  2. Take the world off your shoulders, even just for a minute and take a deep breath. Once you do that, do not put it back onto your shoulders put it into your hands. Lift it high and let your muscles grow. Just get that weight off your shoulders.
  3. Take as much time as you need. Everyone is different, time treats us all differently. So just because time might be treating others more favorably than you do not worry. Take as much time as you need. You will get there in the end.
  4. Take a moment just to break down. It is okay to break down once in a while. If you need to scream at the world. If you need to punch it square in the face. Or if you need to lay on the ground and just cry. If you need to dwell on your sadness and pain. It is okay. Have that breakdown. But, remember the most important thing, you need to get back up.
  5. Take those insecurities and acknowledge them. Acknowledge that you are not okay with parts of yourself and then let yourself become self aware. Let yourself realise that these insecurities that you have help create you and there is no better you than you. And if these insecurities didn’t make you you then you wouldn’t have been able to create some of your favourite memories or favourite pieces of art.

Thought no.24 – Three Thoughts

Today I have many things I could chose about to write for my blog, which is strange because I so often struggle to just try and think of one. I’ve been deciding over which point I should write on and I thought well why not all of them? I mean they are my thoughts of today, tomorrow I might not be able to think of anything and will regret this decision but then I suppose I could then talk about that. So day 24/1/14 and I have three thoughts to share.

Thought 1 – Are talents part of our DNA or part of our experiences? Some people can draw exceptionally well, but is that built into their DNA or do they learn that skill as they grow up. People who can sing can usually do it as a talent that isn’t learnt, but it usually gets better with age, so do their life experiences shape their talents. Or do we have specific genes inside of us that give us these abilities, some people are musically gifted, but where does that come from, like they can just pick up an instrument and play it. Is that DNA? I once had a headmaster in primary who said something along the lines of ‘Everyone has a talent and then something about how not all of us know ours straight away but we will find it out one day’. I would say that I do not have a talent, I am pretty much mediocre at most things, though that can vary, for example my music ability is shockingly bad but then my creativity is slightly above mediocre. I wonder if I have any talent in my DNA or if I will have to teach myself to be talented at something.

Thought 2 – I watched Sleeping Beauty today and I realised that in fact Prince Phillip is not the hero, even though most would classify him as the hero because he is the one who saves Aurora. But really he isn’t he is just a tool used by the fairies; Flora, Fauna and Meriweather are the heroes. They are the reason that Malificient’s curse doesn’t kill Aurora, they look after the girl for 16 years, they are the ones who rescue Phillip so he can give Aurora true loves kiss. Without them, literally nothing good would happen within the story, they are the heroes and that makes me happy. They are viewed as the fairy godmothers but really they are the heroes of the story and as a writer I like the fact that the conventional hero is actually not truly the hero but these little fairies are and they have no other motives than they are just good and they want to see Aurora happy, after all they do not gain a lot from Aurora waking up. It is Phillip and Aurora and the kingdom that gain not those little fairies.

Thought 3 – My friend asked me for advice today. Naturally I gave her some but I knew as I was telling her this, I would never use the advice myself. I know it would be effective but I would not feel comfortable enough following it. But then again I would not have asked for advice in the first place. I am one of these people who don’t feel comfortable asking for help or advice, but I will freely give it and think it is something people should do. i acknowledge it as a flaw of mine and know that it is something I need to work on, but it goes against my nature to do such things. I always commend those who can do it, mostly because I cannot do it myself. I can give advice but I will not follow it, even though i know it is likely to work. I believe there is a quote from Alice in Wonderland that sums it up nicely ‘I give myself very good advice, but I seldom follow it, that explains the trouble I am always in.’

Thought no. 18 – Maze of Life

Why is it that humans always stay doing something they hate or being somewhere they hate? It’s because we fear failing at something we love. We fear failure and think we may as well stay somewhere we hate than try for something we love because where we are right now, we are safe. We hate where we are but we are comfortable with our surroundings and safe in them. If we were to lose this safety we would be stuck in the unknown, and humans hate the unknown, so we carry on doing what we hate. Making us very upset humans.

I am, I suppose, in this position as I know there are so many things I want to do and need to do and I am so overwhelmed by it all  that it is easier not to do anything. Just to sit here, because I am safe. Putting yourself out there is a very difficult and daunting thing. We so often crack under this need that we never end up even trying. It is easier to say you will do something rather than taking that leap and actually do it. I suppose taking that leap means we are moving forward, or taking a step back in a way. But it automatically means we are leaving that part of our life, and change is always scary. So we stay put, hating the fact that we are where we are, but we can’t motivate ourselves to escape, but also we don’t know how.

We are never taught as children how to deal with these sort of things in life. We are taught how to write and how to read. How to subtract and add, times and divide. I’ve been taught about osmosis, the digestive system, electricity, how to find the hypotenuse in a triangle, how to work out what X is in an algebraic equation. I have been taught how to give directions in french, how volcanoes are formed. But I am not taught how to escape, or how to move forward, or how to go about achieving something I love. I have only ever been taught things to help me pass my exams. Sure some of those things may help me later on in life, but I am not taught how to pass the different hurdles life throws at me. I am just expected to learn by myself. Or perhaps I am not meant to learn how, maybe I am just excepted to do, or maybe I meant to join the majority of the human race and get stuck in this trap. Sometimes I think that life is a trap. But a trap from what I do not know.

Actually perhaps it isn’t a trap, it is a maze and as humans only a few of us can escape and the rest of us keep on running into dead ends. Some are brave enough to turn back the way they came and start again. Other’s are strong enough to take a step back and run into this dead end and hope to come out the other side. Most of us are too scared to try either route, so we stay there. At the dead end. Then there are some, who when stuck at a dead end stop and think for a while and they call out for help. And someone. Anyone. A friend, family member or even a stranger come along and offer you a leg up and they help you over the top of the dead end so you can reach the path on the other side. Either way we are all stuck in this maze of life and we are all running into dead ends. So good luck with your maze, I hope you don’t have to stay at that dead end for too long, because you know there are other options than just staying there.