University Thoughts – happiness

Happiness is a strange creature. Her absence is always noted and yet her presence rarely. You forget that she is there in the smallest of moments, because when she isn’t everything feels ten times more empty, it feels like all warmth has gone and you are left alone and shivering and you forget that she was ever even there in the first place. Happiness tends to hide in the corner of your mouth, she creeps in without you noticing, your heart gets warmer without you realising. She’s that fleck of yellow in the corner of your eye that you never seem to see. But when you look back when she’s gone, you see the haze of yellow over your memories and her sitting in the corner and in the upturn of your smile. So take a note of that. Don’t catch yourself stuck and frozen in her absence, live for her presence and make the most of when she’s there. You are just so preoccupied with her absence and it just so happens to be that when she’s gone she’s so much louder than when she’s was there. So just the time to listen and look for her in the corner. Because she’s there, I promise you that.

University Thoughts – Lost but will be Found

I’ve lost something. I’ve even lost the words to be able to explain it. It’s like when you’re younger and you believe that the mirror is a gateway to another reality, another version of your life and I’m looking in the mirror and the life being shown back to me seems wrong, as if I accidentally fell through one day and am in the other reality. Perhaps it is because I was never meant to make it this far, could never imagine myself this far forward, so it’s as if I am trying to grab onto anything that resembles what I know, what makes sense to me. I like control, I like being in control and recently I lost it, I didn’t have that control over my life. I was free falling and there was nothing I could hold onto, which meant that there wasn’t really a me inside my body. It’s like I started to fall and with nothing to anchor me, I just fell out of my body, leaving it to carry on doing what it was meant and needed to do but without a me inside. But being back home, I found some things to grab, to anchor me, I’m  looking in the mirror and I’m seeing a little bit more of a me.

As if there is a me that is slowly creeping back into the empty shell she left. But I’m scared she’s going to leave again. Because I lost something, and right now I’m on a mission to find it. I have my map, I have my compass, I have the stars to guide me and I’m on my way. I have my bearings, I have my coordinates and I’m going to find her. I’m going to bring her back. I swear that this year is the year that this shell gets filled back up. I refuse to be lost forever. I’m going to find me again. I’m ready. I’M ON MY WAY!

Thought no.175 – Happy Thoughts

Happy thoughts hold a great magic. Mix happy thoughts and pixie dust together and you can fly. Then if you mix happy thoughts and a wand you can cast a patronus. And why are they so magical, why is there a recurring theme that happy thoughts are magical and powerful? It’s because we often fill our heads with bad thoughts and focus on the negative. But if for a moment just for a moment we thought only of happy thoughts, then think of everything we could achieve. Imagine what happy thoughts could do by themselves if we gave ourselves a chance to focus on the good and not the bad.