Thought no.349 – Writing

I have a sudden crave to write and have actually started another story the only problem is, I keep on hitting blocks because I actually have no idea what the story is. I usually write without a plan but I at least have sort of idea write now I have none except the desire to write.

Thought no. 31 – Reader’s Block

Isn’t it cruel when your mind just cannot get into a book. You will buy them and you will begin to read but your mind just canot focus on the words. You think it is perhaps the book, so you get another new one that you are so excited to read and the same things happens. Wondering if it is because you do not want to read something new, so you get out one of your old favourites and even those words seemed to have lost their luster, and the plot seems rather dull now. What is happening? Why has reading become such a difficulty? One word… reader’s block.

As I have gotten older I have found it exceedingly hard to get into reading. New books that have been bought are often left unread now, I was intrigued by the blurb but upon trying to read my mind just kind of collapsed on itself and I have ended up giving up each time. Even trying to re-read books, thinking I just need to get back into the rhythm doesn’t work because I can’t even get back into my old favourites. I’m not entirely sure why this is the case, I believe it is because I am writing my own stories now, and so it is as if I am reading as I write so my mind is just too tired to absorb anymore stories.

But I want to read. I want to be swallowed up by a story and have my whole days revolving around it.I want to get hooked. I want to become completely engrossed in another world and dread when I have to stop reading and get back to my own world. I just want to read. Why must it be so difficult? I do not want reading to become a chore, I want to be able to enjoy it again. I need a book that I can get lost into and will renew my love of reading and turn me into a reading machine that ingests books one after the other.

You might not believe reader’s block is a real thing, as some people do not believe writer’s block is a real thing. But they are, they very real and they are life ruining. They are creative stunters, I need to read, I want to read. Please brain get past this rut and let me read. The last time I was really into a book and was actually able to finish it was back in August 2013. That was  5 months ago! Perhaps if I reread that book, it might rekindle something within me and I can get to reading my small pile of books that have never been read by these eyes. I will conquer you readers block. I swear I will conquer you.

Thought no.19 – Writer’s Block

I often find that I write myself into a hole. A hole where words are flying away from me and I can’t grab them. The only words are can catch just don’t wok together and my sentences are terrible and lose the plot/point of whatever I am writing. This usually happens when I have been writing consistently for a long time, or I have been writing everyday, which is why doing these blog posts is so difficult for me, because in the end the words do not want to be written.

Writers block is a curse all writers have to deal with. I have heard (more read) a couple people state that writers block isn;t a real thing, that it is just a myth. I don’t believe that. I believe writer’s block is a very real, and very frustrating thing. It is something that comes to us when trying to write is like trying to pull teeth; it is painful, infuriating and takes forever. In the end you are left with something that you are never truly happy with.

Though writer’s block does come in different forms, depending on the type of writer you are and what it is that you are writing. Some of my own little remedies to help be when I get stuck are :

1. Try and write through the pain (this is difficult and like trying to swim in a pool of syrup)

2. Don’t write for a week (separate yourself from your project and allow yourself to live for a bit and learn from your life)

3. Switch projects for a while (I always have multiple writing projects going on so sometimes it helps to switch)

4. Write in crazy detail about a random object (somehow I seem to get really into it and can get my writing juices going and so can go back to what I was previously writing)

5. Re-read what I have already written

6. Try a different plot route (sometimes the plot just isn’t working so I need to re-work the story)

At least one of these usually works and that’s because they kind of cover all the options don’t they?