Thought from 16/2/15 – Laugh

Laughter is the best medicine. Well, that’s what people say. Laughter is such an intense emotion, I believe it’s the most intense of all. Happiness and sadness are fleeting, anger and jealousy are persistent, but laughter is intense. It is the only thing that can banish away everything else. Even though it may only last a second, in that second nothing else exists except for this sudden euphoric sensation. Everything in life is eradicated, even if only for a moment, but in that moment everything else ceases to exist because the only things that does exist is laughter. So yes, I believe Laughter is the best medicine. It may not be a cure, but it does what medicine should do. It takes away the pain. Laughter makes everything better. It doesn’t matter that it is only for a second.

Thought no.281 – Laughter

People say “laughter is the best medicine” and how right they are, because laughter makes you smile it fills you with joy and even just for a couple seconds that is all you feel and that is just pure magic. Over the past few day I have found myself laughing a lot, not just small laughs but the full blown sort of laughs where I tear up slightly, my sides hurt and I can’t breathe. And it’s great because in those moments nothing matters, all this stress, all these worries, nothing else matters because laughter just takes over your whole body and mind. No external thoughts can get in, all that matters in that moment is that you laugh and you feel every second of it. So I implore you to laugh as much as you can, because it is that one shining moment that does truly make everything better.

Thought no.34 – Comforting

Trying to comfort someone can be one of the most hardest experiences in life. Especially for me. I am not someone who is naturally able to convey emotions myself and be free with them, so trying to comfort someone who is obviously in distress is difficult. I find the hugs I give them awkward and the questions I give them pointless and the advice I give them halfhearted. I often find myself resorting to trying to make them smile or laugh because that is the only thing I can genuinely do. My presence is never enough and my words are not comforting, so I just try and give them a break from what they are feeling and try and get them to smile.

I do not know if trying to make them laugh is comforting or is of any use, but it is the only source of comfort I can give. I apologise for all those who I have tried to give comfort or if you have ever sought comfort from me and gotten this response. I try, I honestly do, I just do not know how to react. For example one of my friends fell down some stairs and was obviously hurt and we both laughed slightly at the scenario, I asked if she was alright and helped her up and there were obviously tears in her eyes. And someone goes to me “aren’t you going to give her a hug?” I did, but the hug was awkward, especially coming from me. For be comforting someone hugs just don’t come across right and I doubt anyone finds comfort in them. As you can see in that scenario all I knew was how to make my friend smile, but not for the long term.

Today I felt rather helpless whilst trying to comfort someone. I could not find the words or actions. I felt truly terrible, all I could give them were my terrible attempts to make them laugh or take their mind off from the pain, just for a second. So to all those that ever seek comfort or are given comfort recognise and remember that not all of us can give you the same type of comfort, but know no matter our method we will be there. I promise.