University Thoughts – Christmas

(Technically these thoughts should be entitled Thoughts from Back Home, oh well)

Every year people say stuff like – I don’t feel christmassy at all, I’ve never felt less christmassy in my life etcetera etcetera. And that annoys me, it irks me for some reason when I see statuses and memes and whatnot saying that. But I agree, I feel it too. In fact this Christmas has never felt so unlike Christmas. I can’t even pinpoint why, as nothing has changed, the traditions are still the same, the day is still the same, but yet it doesn’t feel festive, it doesn’t feel magical. Something feels off-kilter.

I guess its aging that does it. Strips away the magic and excitement, because you aren’t waiting eagerly for Santa, you aren’t getting new toys to play with. I couldn’t even think of anything I wanted this year, there was nothing I particularly wanted or needed. So I got bits and pieces, which I very much like and am grateful for. But I suppose there isn’t that excitement or satisfaction of getting something you’ve desperately wanted.

Christmas is one of those days though that there is such a build up to, and the build up and the memories of past years and past presents are so much better than what the actual day ends up being. But Christmas is a day for family, for bringing people together and good will and it does that, I suppose it’s just I’m in the transition stage from childhood Christmas to adult Christmas and both are very different, and I have yet to work out how to transition and make myself comfortable in the new world of Christmas.

Thought no.334 – December

The first of december and finally the christmas songs playing in shops don’t seem to early and they actually put me in a christmassy mood rather than irritate me. Though the looming horror of having to get christmas presents is ever present now, because it’s the first, days are running out. Though I am beginning to get myself prepared, I’ve decided what wrapping paper I am having this year as well as the ribbon, because there is something about wrapping christmas presents that I greatly enjoy; i just really like making them look pretty.

But here’s to December and the chaos and Christmassy atmosphere it’ll bring with it.

Thought no.303 – End of October

Today is the last day of October, tomorrow brings in November and winter shall begin to replace autumn, and Christmas shall replace Halloween. Two months left until 2014 is over and the aim for this blog too. I’d like to try and not miss a day these next two months, just a little mini target within this huge target. And I also plan on starting NaNoWriMo 2014 tomorrow, I really need to stop giving myself projects, I know for certain I will not be able to successfully juggle everything.